30 Years / 30 Works

John Wood and Paul Harrison, 2024
Soft cover

Publisher: Cristin Tierney Gallery.

ISBN: 979-8-9892178-0-9

Dimensions: 10 x 8 inches

Pages: 192

$50.00 USD (+ shipping costs)


This book represents Cristin Tierney Gallery's latest project with John Wood and Paul Harrison. Wood and Harrison did the heavy lifting, of course, but it’s nice for the gallery to bask in their reflected glory. Most of their works you're familiar with are included, as well as many more. The individual pieces and accompanying texts are presented in no particular order. Thirty artworks in total; one for each year John and Paul have collaborated as artists. Video, performance, painting, sculpture, drawing, and prints. They have left no stone unturned in their artistic explorations. Thirty works, summing up two people working together over the course of thirty years.