New art coming to St. Albert’s Red Willow trail system, BMX park

By Craig Gilbert, St. Albert Gazette
December 29, 2024

Multiple phases, multiple stories and multiple voices in multiple public art features are coming to the Red Willow Trail system.


City council on Dec. 17 approved $495,000 in public art, including $300,000 for the project along the trails in the Grey Nuns White Spruce Park, $165,000 for an installation in Element Park and $30,000 for a mural at the BMX track facing Riel Drive.


Celebrating natural and Indigenous history
The new work or works will appear in Phase 3 of the Red Willow Trail expansion, which will ultimately connect residents from Ray Gibbon Drive to the downtown core and the existing Red Willow Trail System, according to a city report. It says Phase 1 has been completed and includes integrated features by artists Jennifer Marman and Daniel Borins.