The artist Dread Scott is partnering with the New Orleans-based art organization Antenna to reenact the Louisiana German Coast Uprising of 1811, when a collective of up to 500 armed slaves marched from plantations towards New Orleans in what became the largest slave rebellion in North American history. Dread Scott’s Slave Rebellion Reenactment is slated to occur in November 2018, after the goal of crowdsourcing $40,000 has been reached.
In a phone conversation, Dread Scott explained that after researching multiple revolts and rebellions, he settled on the suppressed story of the 1811 Uprising that took place in Louisiana Territory. “This project is not about slavery and it’s not about oppression, it’s about people who’ve shaken off oppression and are trying to emancipate themselves the only way they can, and that’s by ending slavery,” said the artist.