You can watch this artist’s odd "devotional" to creative writing in Chapel Hill

By Tammy Grubb, The Herald-Sun
December 1, 2017

Can you experience a book more deeply by re-creating its words in a place that inspired the author?


That’s the question performance artist Tim Youd will explore through Dec. 10 as he brings his “100 Novels” project to the UNC-Chapel Hill campus. The 10-year project has taken Youd to over 50 locations in the United States and Europe over the last five years.


In each location, Los Angeles-based artist retypes the words of a chosen novel on two sheets of paper using the same make and model of typewriter that the author would have used. His work has taken him to many locations, including the historic homes of some authors, such as William Faulkner’s Rowan Oak in Oxford, Mississippi; and Virginia Woolf’s Monk’s House in Rodmell, Sussex.