States of Violence, a new exhibition curated by the art and activist organisation a/political, is set to bring together much of the creative work that has been created in response to the persecution of Assange, and the campaign against government oppression--from war and torture, to police brutality and surveillance--that he has come to represent. Featured works, from the likes of Ai Weiwei, Vivienne Westwood, Dread Scott, and Andrei Molodkin, will aim to shine a light on global power structures, laying bare "the darkest truths of our contemporary reality."
Art is far from the most provocative part of the show, though. For the first time ever in the UK, States of Violence will also present "SECRET+NOFORN" (2022), a body of work by the Institute for Dissent and Datalove that represents the largest-ever hardcopy publication of top secret government cables uncovered by WikiLeaks in 2010. Technically, even looking at these documents could make you complicit with Assange's alleged crimes under the Espionage Act, but according to a/political it's a risk that's worth taking.