Mary Lucier in 191st Annual: Academy Style

National Academy of Design, New York, NY

The National Academy of Design's Annual Exhibition is the longest-running serial exhibition of contemporary art and architecture in the United States. The 191st Annual: Academy Style will feature work by 117 National Academicians and is the first in-person Annual held since 2015 and the first in the Academy's new home in Chelsea.


The 191st Annual encompasses aesthetic and conceptual approaches including abstraction, minimalism, realism, figuration, and portraiture in a range of mediums such as drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, video, architectural models, book projects, and printmaking.


Founded nearly 200 years ago in 1825, ‘Academy Style’ at the National Academy has undergone many transformations over the years. Today ‘Academy Style’ is diverse in practice, decidedly contemporary (members were invited to submit works made in the last three years), and reflective of an institutional identity and ethos initiated and led by artists and architects. In the earliest years of the National Academy, the artwork produced by the membership followed the English tradition in both style and method, with an emphasis on painting focused on history, landscape, and portraiture. The Academy initially engaged with the ‘arts of design’ as defined in 1825 to include painting, drawing, architecture, sculpture, and engraving. Now, nearly 200 years later, more recently elected Academicians work in mediums that had not yet entered the Western canon when the National Academy was founded: installation, moving image, printmaking, digital art and socially engaged art and architecture, among others – all examples of 21st Century ‘Academy Style.’

Opening Reception
Thursday, June 20, 2024, 6-8 PM 

June 20 - September 14, 2024

Tuesday-Saturday, 12-6 PM
Free and open to all. Reservations are requested. To make a reservation, click here.
June 4, 2024