Dread Scott: Artist Talk - Artists at the Forefront of Social Movements

“Dangerous Art/Endangered Artists” Summit, Brooklyn, NY

Art at a Time Like This (ATLT) and Artists at Risk Connection (ARC) are joining forces to host “Dangerous Art/Endangered Artists,” a summit bringing together socially-engaged artists and cultural workers to discuss the rising and unprecedented threats to free expression globally. Taking place on June 7th and 8th, 2024, the summit will feature a stellar lineup of today’s leading artists, musicians, authors, thought leaders and performers. “Our goal is dialogue, not divisiveness,” says ATLT co-founders Anne Verhallen and Barbara Pollack.


The “Dangerous Art/Endangered Artists” Summit has invited speakers around the world to offer a wide range of perspectives. Confirmed speakers include Iranian visual artist, Shirin Neshat, journalist and author of The 1619 Project Nikole Hannah-Jones, writer and art critic Aruna D’Souza, Palestinian-American pioneer artist Samia Halaby, American visual artist Dread Scott, Pakistani-American visual artist Shazia Sikander, founder and co-director of Project for Empty Space Jasmine Wahi, co-founder of ArtLords and Afghan artivist Omaid Sharifi, Kenyan musician Octopizzio, Native American artist and activist Demian DinéYazhi'.


Friday, June 7 - 6:20 pm

647 Fulton St.

Brooklyn, NY 11217


May 21, 2024